Learning at BISS Preschool
BISS Preschool is for children aged from 18 months to 6 years of age. The Preschool is part of the BISS Foundation.
Our aim is to provide a happy and stimulating environment and a well-balanced programme, allowing every child to develop his/her potential at his/her own pace.
The Preschool has several outdoor play and activity areas on campus and lies next to Gausel woods, to a local children's petting farm and to the beaches of Gandsfjord.
Children go outside every day. They may explore the local area or play outside in the playgrounds, woods and beaches around the school.
Preschool teaching teams aim to ensure that all children become happy and engaged learners, who are keen to come to school and able to interact with their friends and teachers.
We put great emphasis on allowing young children to explore and use their natural curiosity. We help them to make meaningful connections between their surroundings and their experiences focussing on INQUIRY THROUGH PLAY.
We develop their imaginations and, through the richness of their many languages, develop a common language of English, in readiness for joining our primary school learning communities.