Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education Part of the Curriculum
Natural Local Environment
Respect and Responsibility
With rich and varied environment on our doorstep, we take every opportunity to deliver the curriculum outdoors.
Outdoor education is a key feature of life at the school and is an important part of our ethos and the values of our school. We have made a conscious decision to make maximum use of the fabulous natural resource we have on our doorstep and to ensure our students respect, understand and care for the wonderful environment on our doorstep.
Our students have weekly outdoor education lessons. During these lessons, they learn skills that encourage them to foster respect and a responsibility for their surroundings as well as developing the IB learner profile attributes of a responsible global citizen.
Teachers and students will often choose to take their learning and inquiries outside of the classroom walls and it is not unusual to find Maths, English and other skills and key concepts being explored and experienced outdoors.