Good communication is essential. The most effective education takes place when there is a strong partnership between parents and the child's class teacher.
BISS Sentrum promotes an 'open door' policy. Class and subject teachers are always available for consultations and we encourage all parents to become an active part of school life, whether assisting at special events, or volunteering in school. Engaging with the school's parent association (FAU) is a good way to make a positive contribution to the work and life of the school. Parents are the most important role model in a child's life - children respond positively at school when they know and see that school is highly valued by their parents.
It is more than just a school - it is a community for the whole family.
First and foremost, the most important channel for communication is with the child's class teacher, who should always be consulted first regarding any problem, or concern. Please contact the school office to arrange a suitable appointment time.
Consultations can also be held with members of the senior management team, or the Principal. Early notification of any concern is important - school can only address issues if we know about them and we will always take swift action to rectify problems.
Class teachers report in person to parents on student progress at two meetings for primary aged students and at one meeting for secondary aged students each academic year. Interim reports are published for primary aged students in December and again in June. Secondary aged students receive a detailed written report in December and again in June.
I believe that the school has the right balance of discipline and respect, together with genuine care for the well-being of the kids.
Newsletters and a newsfeed are issued regularly and are posted on the school website. All parents are encouraged to make time to read school news, as it will contain key information and updates on school development initiatives.