Policies & Documents

At BISS Gausel, we have developed policies to guide everyday school life in a way that directly aligns us with the International Baccalaureate (IB). These documents are intended to guide administration, teachers, parents, students and other members of the school community.

Please click on the links below to view our policy documents:




Norwegian Friskole Approvals


Pupil Survey

The Pupil Survey gives pupils a chance to have their say about what they think about learning and well-being at their school. Schools, school owners and the national education authorities store and use the results of the survey in order to analyse and develop the school and the learning environment. Data from the survey may also be used for research, and researchers can request raw data from the survey. Some of the results from the Pupil Survey are published on the “School Portal” website at skoleporten.udir.no.

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